Montevideo was a Serbian movie released to the public in December of 2010. The story is narrated by a little kid Stanoje. The story follows Tirke, a local boy who instead of getting a job, he only dreams of play for BSC,(Belgrade Sports Club.) One day, a man who just happens to be working on Tirke's street, notices him soccer skills and asks him to go on trial at BSC. From here, Tirke gets accepted into BSC and plays his first game. Then, it becomes evident that a very first world cup in Montevideo. Soon, they form a team which has Tirke and Moša, and try to form a team but, without any Croatian players, the team cannot travel plus, they are having trouble getting money to travel to Montevideo, which is the capital of Uruguay. When it seems as if their is no hope in going to the world cup, they arrange a friendly with Bulgaria which The kingdom of Serbia wins by a very large number of goals. After the game, some Serbians are able to convince the Bulgarians to back out of the world cup. After the win, the team is able to earn the money they need to go to Montevideo through Stanonje who is a shoe shiner. As all of this is happening, both Tirke and Moša are involved in some sort of love thing like you would expect from any kind of money these days.
What I enjoyed about this money was unlike most movies you see in theaters, it had soccer, a sport which I think should appear in more videos than it currently does. I also liked how to movie was able to almost get that feel as if it was taking place in the late 1930's. It was able to get the costumes, buildings, and vehicles from the time spot on.
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